

These ads to promote the three properties of the Flamingo Hilton (Las Vegas, Reno, and Laughlin) were driven by a simple premise to their customers; YOU DESERVE IT!  The campaign theme came directly out of a series of focus groups from which we heard several people claim why they expected to have such a rewarding time on their trips to the casinos and resorts, that they deserved it. 

TV 10 second spots. Get to your message quickly. And make it funny and memorable.



Magazine Print


More examples of my principles of KISS (Keep it simple, stupid). Remember you have 7 seconds to grab someone's attention at 70+ mph on the freeway, and get them to remember your brand and message.

Bounce Back Weekend Radio


  Let’s see,   how can I make this cover page enticing? Given that people hate reading cover pages. Almost as much as they hate stopping t...